5.0 out of 5 stars "The Best Health Care is Self-Care"
It is finally here! I have been waiting since last year for MELT Performance to be released and it does not disappoint. It is the perfect complement to Sue’s first book - The MELT Method – yet it can also stand on its own. If you have not read the first book (please do so!) the most important parts are summarized in this new book.
The MELT Performance book is broken down into 4 parts:
Part One – Creating NeuroStrength – was so fascinating I couldn’t put it down. Chapters 2 (How NeuroStrength Will Improve Your Performance, Eliminate Pain, and Revitalize Your Overall Health) and 3 (NeuroStrength and Your Emotions) were compelling. My daughter suffers from anxiety and Sue writes about stress and the impact it has on our nervous system, and also about emotional memory. I feel like she wrote these chapters to help me understand what my daughter is going through – they really hit home!
Part Two - Explains the science behind MELT and the 4 R’s of MELT (from The Melt Method book), and adds 2 new R’s – Reintegrate and Repattern. It also defines the NeuroStrength moves and gives easy to follow directions, along with pictures showing each step in the move.
Part Three – Puts the NeuroStrength moves together with MELT Method Rehydrate moves to make a sequence.
Part Four –NeuroStrengh Performance Maps. There are maps for everyone – athletes and non-athletes – training day maps, game day maps, maps for pain and joint injury, and lifestyle maps.
The final portion of the book includes an easy to understand glossary and a recommended reading list.
I have been MELTing at least 15-30 minutes every day for the past 3 years and am amazed by the changes I feel in my body (especially a decrease in migraines and all but eliminating Reynaud’s in my hands). I can’t wait to take my MELT practice to the next level with MELT Performance and bring stability to my body!
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